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Classroom Lecture

Ready to bring eQuoo to your school?

As an educator, you know the value of interactive and engaging tools in the classroom. In today's digital age, students are increasingly drawn to technology, and eQuoo is no exception. Providing a unique and innovative approach to mental health education, eQuoo is a game-based tool that can help your students navigate the challenges of everyday life. With eQuoo, students will learn valuable skills in emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and positive psychology, all while having fun and interacting with their peers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to bring this exciting and effective tool to your school. Contact us today to learn more about how eQuoo can help your students thrive.
Personal Growth
Reduce Anxiety
Relationship Skills
Reduce Depression


Wellbeing and achievement is an integrated concept

Builds Resilience

eQuoo is designed to lower anxiety & depression and build resilience

Triage System

In-app triage system to direct students to the most suitable care


Backend access to robust analytics and insights

Head of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, UCL

Prof. Peter Fonagy

Peter Fonagy photo

Professor of Psychology and Head of the Research Unit Emotion and Motivation, LMU

Prof. Markus Maier

Markus Maier photo

Professor of Psychology, UCL

Prof. Steve Pilling

Steve Pilling photo

Clinical Advisory Board

From Research to Application

PsycApps Ltd., the company behind eQuoo, the Emotional Fitness Game, is aware of the great responsibility that comes along with designing and distributing mental wellbeing and mental health products.


Litvin, Silja, Rob Saunders,Markus A. Maier,Stefan Lüttke (2020)

Gamification as an approach to improve resilience and reduce attrition in mobile mental health interventions: A randomized controlled trial


Litvin, Silja & Markus, Maier (2019)

How mHealth programmes can treat depression: A randomised controlled trial


Litvin, Silja (2019)

A review on digital mental health applications types, PsycApps and eQuoo

Clinical Research

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